Monday, October 11, 2010

Angels of The Silences (acoustic)

I started this journal because I've had a rough life and some ugly things have happened. Somewhere along the way, the weight added up. I lost my ability to Be Easy. Lost my Joy. Lately I find it difficult to smile or have normal conversations.

My mind has been damaged by the difficulties of life, my body worn from carrying baggage 7/24. But I also see friends and community that have seen similar experiences and have so much freedom! As a father, I feel a responsibility to choose health so that my child has a loving chance in this world. But this must be engaged with carefully--there's a lot of work ahead.

I've never trusted authority, so god/religions don't really help me--which means the only 12-Steps I'm into involve country music. Therapists take a lot of work to trust... and friends? Well, codependency sucks. That means I have a lot of work to do on my own time and terms.

This blog is to stand as a document of my journey to healing. Sometimes it'll be entertaining. Sometimes it'll be frightening. Sometimes it will be boring. But in the end, I'll be Alive.

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